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Nov 5, 2008

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When I visit zenni optical website, I thought their website is a great place. The site is easy to navigate, and they are really cool, fashionable frames. I could find a lot of Variable Dimension Frames From Zenni. They a broad range of hull models, style and materials.

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Apr 18, 2008

Guard Your Child Against the Risk of Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage PregnancyAdolescence can be especially difficult for parents, that children become aware of their sexuality for the first time in their lives. Raging hormones and a newfound sense of independence could encourage teenagers to act in a manner that is irresponsible. The worst impact of this could be a teenage pregnancy.

Here are some facts about teenage pregnancy:

- An estimated 750000 teenage pregnancies in the United States each year.

- The rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States are among the highest in developed countries world higher than in other countries such as Britain, France or Germany.

- A study estimates that up to 31% of teenage girls become pregnant before they reach the age of 20.

Teenage pregnancy harm to the mother in the following way:

- Teenage mothers suffer from poor weight gain, hypertension, anemia and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Guilt, anxiety and depression also commonly affect them.

- The most teenage mothers to drop out of school or college as soon as possible.

- Studies show a strong link between teenage pregnancy, single parenthood and poverty.

Babies born to teenage pregnancies are at risk for the following reasons:

- Babies born to teenage mothers were invariably low birth weight and suffer from health problems. Studies show that babies of teenage mothers receive less care and medical treatment.

- Babies of teenage parents also suffer from inadequate parenting skills. Studies show that children of teenage mothers are generally poorly at school.

As a father, there are things you can do to guard against teenage pregnancy:

Mal at ease because it can be first, talk to your teen about safe sex.

Help your child develop a healthy attitude toward sex.

Always allow your child to have healthy interactions with the opposite sex. At the same time, the experts recommend that you discourage dating single, or 'go stable' until your child has at least 16 years.

Ensure that your child stays away from drugs or alcohol.

Cultivating in the franchise of your children and encourage them to talk with you all their problems.

Apr 16, 2008

Enthuse Your Childs Education

Childs EducationIf you want to see their children as a learning and teaching exciting, you have to start early!

Do not wait until they are in the third or fourth year before starting to show them the value of education.

If you start early, teaching their children the wonder of education, will not have to return to old form ideas and paradigms.

Help your children gain a greater perspective of education and will grow to love it.

By helping your child to see educational opportunities in all aspects of day-to-day living, not just in the classroom, he or she is much more likely to find things to inspire them, which will stimulate your imagination.

Encourage your children - from as early as you can - to the knowledge of the world around them.

Here are some ideas to involve their children in discussions about education and knowledge:

When you are walking on the field or off the street with a toddler, stop and look at the leaves on a tree, or a flower growing in the grass.

Tell them in a way that they will understand about how things grow and how many trees and flowers in the world, which are all different in shape, color and size.

Show them other trees and flowers so they can see the difference for themselves.

Tell them to find places in the area where they live and that they can exploit to note the differences and similarities in them.

When you are in an urban area with a child - no matter what age they are - look at the design of the buildings around you.

Look for decorative designs that can be carved in stone.

Look for the outline of buildings and how they loom over the street.

Ask your child how they think these tall buildings may be able to defend as high without toppling more?

As their children grow, teach them the habit of perceiving its surroundings, and ask how things work.

Tick the types of birds know how to see them fly over.

For example, if you can recognize a certain type of falcon, show your child how they float rises and apparently without flapping its wings, by capturing the updraft of hot air.

Compare that hummingbird flapping its wings extremely fast, so that your child can see the differences in them.

Having interest in the things that their children are learning in school. By doing this, you will be able to help them further with their education, then they will grow to expect their interest and enjoy sharing their experiences with you.

For example, if your child is learning simple addition and you are going over to her house, you can ask him when and where she could use other hand, and counting on your life.

If your child only sees education as something that happens in the classroom, they will segregate their experiences and learning not see the real value of education in relation to their daily activities.

But if you give your child an example of how mathematics can help them, they begin to see the value of what they are learning.

And if your child wanted to buy something that costs 20 pence, but they had only 8 pence in your pocket? Remove eight pennies for example.

Now take more pennies out of your pocket and put them on the table and have your child count the pennies and add until you get the amount they need to buy the item.

If you raise your child to see education as a life long process, one that exists at each stage of the process - and not just at school - they dread, or returned, school or teaching.

Yes they will become interested in the world around her, and they will be more aware of what the world.

His children's mind is encouraged by this observation and curiosity and, in turn, they begin to appreciate the world in which they live.

So when your children ask you how water is in the clouds, stop to talk with them about it, and if you do not know, look it up in a book or on the internet.

If you see your child doing research to find an answer, they will learn about the valuable tools and resources they can use when they want to learn something new.

The child should learn that they do not have to ask about the response to a question or live in ignorance.

Every day, share the wonder of the things around you and will instil in children their willingness and interest to learn more about your world and to see education as a tool to help them live the life Maximum!

Apr 15, 2008

Positive Parenting Ideas: Alternatives To Spanking Your Child

Spanking Your ChildWhat is the best way to handle difficult behavior in children? What is the best method of child discipline? What are the most successful ideas and parenthood. The opinions are endless. The expert advice is enormous. The proof is scarce. Many sources for advice and parenthood are on the basis of opinions, values and observations of men, a lot of their time in office. While we agree with most of these professionals, they probably have no idea what your life is really like. Most of these authors have not spent one day meet the challenges that we, as mothers, face day after day after day. I have no intention to discredit these people and their many good ideas and parenthood. I want you to consider how you from the huge stocks of parenting advice that the real expert!

Spanking is an emotional issue for the majority of mothers (and fathers), and we all have strong feelings about it. I will not debate the merits or the evils of Spanking here because these arguments are generally not productive. In my experience, but each mother, I have ever met, hates versohlt their children. It is usually done only when a mother can think of no other way to solve the problem.

That is the reason for this discussion. I offer alternatives to powerful because they feel lousy mothers, and that's not good for you, or you children. It may be helpful to know that most of the research on child discipline indicates that occasional, slight extraordinary are not harmful, but also not helpful. Here is a list of some positive parenting ideas and alternatives to spanking, the professional and other mothers.

** Please note that what children want their parents especially, the attention, and they are working very hard to get it. Regardless behavior (positive or negative) your child receives the most attention (positive or negative) is the problem that you are likely to see again and again.

** Use A "Time Out" (effectively and consistently). Try these websites:

For instructions from the Center for Effective Parenting

For instructions by CS Mott Children's Hospital

** Let natural consequences - The child dawdles in the morning, the child is too late to school. No rescue of the child to the natural consequences, such as writing an apology for the late notice.

** Impose logical consequences - The child makes the chaos, the child must be before it clean play, TV, etc. If your child is slow, or uncooperative in the morning, the introduction of an earlier bedtime.

The success of these techniques requires that we as a mother, remain strong, and it is the logical consequence - no rescue.

** You can incentives such as tokens or counterfeit money. The child is here token for the positive behavior and tokens for negatively charged behavior. The tokens or counterfeit money can be used to buy additional privileges, around the house.

** Yucky behavior, yucky job. What is a job that you and your children hate, hate? This can be seen as a consequence for the rudeness and unacceptable or words.

** No sweets in a dirty mouth. Use this as a consequence of rude or unkind words, no dessert, cookies, etc. for a day.

** If your child is irritable or in a bad mood, perhaps no discipline is in order. Sometimes just listen and give your child the opportunity to express his feelings, is all that is needed.

Maybe you want to be one of those books for the parents of ideas to see if it fits with your special "Mother-style".

** Parenting with love and logic, W. Foster Cline and Jim Fay

** Without discipline volume or Spanking, by Jerry Wyckoff and Barbara C. Unell

** 1-2-3 Magic, by Thomas W. Phelan

** Children: The challenge of Rudolph Dreikurs. Written in the 1960's, it's classic, seen by many as one of the best parenting books available. Some of his ideas are likely outdated, but it is strongly recommended by most people who have read it.

Remember, you know your child and your family better than anyone else does. They know what kind of environment the best care for children.

Apr 13, 2008

Home drug tests

Home drug testsHome drug tests can be a salvation for parents who feel their child or teenager may be taking drugs, but they are frightened initially to ask for help. The Internet now offers parents with a means of obtaining information and advice on the consumption of drugs anonymously, and that anonymity can be preserved a later stage, using home drug tests for determining whether or not a child needs professional help.

In SNS report "Statistics of the Drug Misuse and Youth: England, 2006," 19 percent (one in five) of secondary school children claimed to have taken drugs in the last year, in 2005. 4 per cent, from 11 years of age, children had inhaled a substance volatile and 1 per cent had tried cannabis. In children aged 15, 27 per cent had taken cannabis.

A disturbing 4 per cent of children in secondary education in 2005, admitted having used a Class A drug in the last year (cocaine, crack, ecstasy, amphetamines, when injected, heroin, LSD, magic mushrooms and methadone). 12 percent claimed to have used marijuana, currently a Class C drug.

With these figures in mind, it is only natural that parents are concerned about your child take drugs, as well as the negative impact of this on their lives, from poor school performance, social / behavioral problems and serious risks to health Assustador and simple fact that they are breaking the law.

The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 states it is an offence to illegally possess or supply a controlled drug, even if the drug is provided free of charge, instead of the traditional "trading" where drugs are exchanged for money.

The penalties for dealing with a Class A drug can incur a penalty of imprisonment up to life. With a Class A drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy or heroin is up to seven years' imprisonment or an unlimited fine or both. Dealing a Class C drugs such as cannabis currently carries a penalty of up to 14 years or an unlimited fine or both. With Cannabis can result in a penalty of imprisonment up to two years or an unlimited fine or both.

The results of an ICM Research poll, which previously appeared in the News of the World on Sunday showed that 82% of parents and 66% of children support drug testing in schools and the parents of the 1000 respondents, 96% said they would like to know if their son or daughter was taking drugs. Unfortunately, we are few schools have signed up to test the students and many young people remain vulnerable to exposure to drugs with no formal program to identify the problems.

Home drug tests parents can offer the opportunity to test your child in the privacy of their own home as a first step to determine if your child is at risk. The mere knowledge that a testing program is in place at home can be an effective deterrent to use illicit drugs, plain old curiosity or peer pressure to share drugs handed out among friends.

A negative result home drug test will bring peace of mind for parents worried and if a home drug test is positive, the parents are notified and forearmed with confidential information to seek, professional help from a doctor or a drug treatment centre.

Apr 12, 2008

Helping Your Teen To Overcome Depression

Overcome DepressionStatistics on adolescents suffering from depression and other mental disorders are alarming. Several studies suggest that 1 in 4 children suffer from some form of mental illness. Teenage mental illness, to include depression, can have consequences. Teenage suicide is increasing. And 'the third leading cause of death in the age group from 15 to 24 years. Dealing with depression in adolescents is an important step in reducing these numbers in our society.

Many things can lead to depression. A teenager is just learning to handle the pressures and emotions of an adult. Only 30% of children who suffer ask for help. The other only through suffering and do their best to get through. Adults have difficulty dealing with many things, asking a teenager to deal with it on their own is not the best option.

Learn the signs of depression for our young people, can be difficult. Depresso teenagers are often seen as just a teenager. Signs of irritability, fatigue, withdrawal and changes in eating habits and sleeping, are treated as normal signs of growth hormone and storm surges. They are also signs of depression. Learning the difference in your teen behavior may be key to getting them the help they need.

Learning to talk to your teenagers can be your best investment in their mental health. Parents and adults in a teen struggling with the life of this. They often still want to see the teen as a child where the teen wants to be seen as an adult. Learning to fill this gap and to communicate efficiently can be a daunting task, but it can be managed.

An adult must learn to offer support when conversing with a teenager. Far them know you are there for them. Ensure that they have at their disposal at any time. Show them that you can listen without judgement. Do not try to speak out on how they feel. Show them that you can understand and give them the help they need to deal with how we feel.

Trust your instincts. If you have a teenager who is showing signs of depression get their help. Trusting your own feelings and emotions that may be imposed on the teen on the road to better mental health. They can get help resist at first. Be firm. Far them know you are there for them and willing to work with them, but insisted that they find someone who can work with them to help them through this difficult time of their lives.

Often a teen will find it easier to talk to someone other than a parent. Consider a peer mentor for your teen. These are young people who are trained to work with others. They become a positive influence. Teen mentors can become a confidant and will be there for the teen who may be otherwise in distress.

Teenage depression is a serious problem, but they can be treated. Learning to recognize the symptoms and get help as soon as possible. Turn on the teen in your life into a success story, rather than a statistic.

Apr 7, 2008

Tips On How To Cope With A New Baby

new babyWhen you discover that you are pregnant, you will go through many different stages. First is elation that you are pregnant, you want to share with the news of the world. Then comes the time in the middle of her pregnancy when everything is running a lot and you have the glow of being a new mother. Then comes the last quarter, since you are tired all the time, emotional and simply do not want to be pregnant anymore. Do not confuse this with emotion not want the baby. Many women experience this, but all that means is that you do not want to be pregnant, the baby would want that now. Pregnancy is very difficult and sometimes with all the hormones change inside that can play with your emotions a little.

Let's fast forward, you are in the hospital and the baby was just born. You are now encouraged to be a mother. Family and friends are coming to see the baby and you feed and keep them while in the hospital. It is a serene experience. But now comes when the baby comes home. You soon realize that is very different from being in the hospital. The best way to deal with a new baby is to get a lot of help. At least in the first month. Having friends and family help as much as possible.

For example, experts say, to sleep when the baby sleeps. While this sounds good in theory, it does not always happen that way. Especially when you have more than one child. By having a family member or friend come and see the baby when you take a nap for a few hours would be great. Then you can wake renewed and ready to play with the baby.

Who says that the first three months are easy, they are lying or having round the clock help. It is hard work and will make many sacrifices. But it is all worth it, because you have a baby healthy and happy. In the first three months, you will sleep in increments of 3 to 4 hours per night, all between diet. You will be tired, most of the time, because there are other things like cooking and cleaning and taking care of other children if you have any.

The best way to deal with anything that is making a list or a calendar. Get up their scraps or household done in the morning hours. Thus mostly everything is done and being taken care of. As you set up your life will make everything easier for you, even if you do not have any help at all. Your baby will begin to sleep at night in about 3 to 4 months of age. Then you can really create a schedule that really works well for you.

You might not know the truth, for the first time, but it is all about trial and error. You will soon find a groove that works. If you are overwhelmed, take a break. You want to be super mom, but sometimes it does not work out that way. Do not feel embarrassed if you need help. All new mothers need a break from time to time.

Apr 4, 2008

Parenting A Teenager - What A Teen Wishes You Knew

parenting a teenagerAre you parenting a teenager? Will contribute to what he (or she) is thinking?

Recently I sat down with 17-year-old young woman, Amy (not his real name), and asked her this question.

(Colleen) "Amy, what do teenagers have frustrations with their parents? What desire adolescents could tell their parents, but often do not?"

(Amy) "Well, let me think a minute. Okay, here is a thought. Parents are always complaining to us (teenagers) do not do what we said. I am talking about things like work and such. But the Parents need to remember that most adolescents have really full schedules.

"Honestly, often just forget to do all that is asked and then get in trouble and the situation escalates.

"What I found works for me is for my mother to give me a list of what she wants to do and where she wants it done. Then I am able to adjust the jobs in all my other activities and if I forget , it really is my fault. I keep up much better with my tasks this way, I like to manage more my own timetable. "

(Colleen) "That's good information, Amy. Any other thoughts?"

(Amy) "Yes Another thing that parents can consider is whether they have a specific rule and say there is one exception to this rule, defines the exception up front. Not make us figure out by trial and error, and then getting into Apuros. You can not read your mind. "

(Colleen) "Parents get frustrated by that one, too. Anything else?"

(Amy) "I also think that pushing all the time to join family activities only makes adolescents tune out. For me, I like to spend time with my family, but not every minute of every day. I want to spend time with my friends, too.

"If I know that it is important to be in family things, and then I make sure I am there and I plan with my friends, too. Over a balanced plan."

(Colleen) "Thank you, Amy, for sharing with us. Your comments are very insightful." (End of interview.)

Good food for thought, is it not? (If you would enjoy more tips on paternity adolescents, please consult the author of the resource box below.) Make Amy's frustrations sound familiar? You may want to sit up with their own teen and ask them these questions. But be prepared to listen and not talk if you want a real answer!

Parenting a teenager can be hard work. Good parenting means listening and guiding. Giving a measure of freedom within clear limits and often walk a fine line of balance.

And lots of hugs are a good idea, too!

Parenting Advice on Shopping with Children

Shopping with ChildrenEvery parent knows that shopping with children can be very difficult. Tantrums can be painfully abundant in the shortest travel trade. However, parents can be more peaceful supermarket tour with the following guidelines.

1. If you plan to shop with their children, plan their future. Decide in advance where you will be happening and what you are going to go. Inform your children the kind of purchases they can travel. But if your child is not particularly useful in supermarkets, and tend to get cranky every three minutes, it is best to go shopping alone.

2. Shopping with children can be fully stressing. Before moving ahead with the purchase of travel, remember that you are not stressed out yourself who eat it, and to have the patience needed to survive the journey. Shopping with children is also easier if the children are well rested and were fed.

3. Shopping with children also means that you have to be attentive to their needs. They may get hungry or thirsty, so be sure to have a snack or drink at hand. Children may also be intimidated by the crowd the supermarket and to be overloaded with people, especially when the hectic activity in the shops. Give them a reassuring hug once in a while.

4. Because children are innately curious creatures, they could achieve color for each element, which takes their imagination and play with him. Instead of scolding them, teach them how to conduct a safe, or to inform them gently that they can only look at it and not touch it. While it may not necessarily be part of your shopping list, it is useful to share in the child's interest in it and explain what it is, what it is and why it could not go into the basket

5. If you buy with pre-school children, to force them to participate in the counting and the choice of goods. This will be the experience for them, and save them undue attention from other activities, such as on the scope of issues you do not need.

6. When your kids want something they can not have, to say, without being subjected to temper tantrums can be mighty difficult. It can help children to promise that they can get it the next time you go shopping, but only when they promise to be good. When turning down your children, be sure to accompany the act with a smile and hug.

7. If you have reached your limit, to deal with your negative emotions positively. Go outside with their children, get updates, and enjoy the fresh air a few minutes away from the trading crowd. This will improve your mood significantly purchases.

8. If, after all the well-meaning suggestions that applied, and you still can not stop your child from throwing tantrums, not because of it. Postpone purchases and usually a child who may be feeling exhausted and just want to go home. The desire of this will only lead to more stressful situations.

Shopping with children can be unnerving experience. But, working their way around and setting the pace properly, parents believe that even with an infant, shopping can be pleasant. Plus, the trade also is a good opportunity to connect with their children.

Mar 30, 2008

Setting Boundaries For Your Kids

Setting BoundariesTwo years tries to touch something that I told you a hundred times is off-limits. Ten-year-old goes beyond the perimeters that you have set out for it in the neighborhood. At sixteen years old, remains half an hour past his curfew.

No matter what age your children are, that the limits set for them are required to be tested. As a parent, the reasons for these restrictions are evident. You do not want your child to touch a wall socket, as it might hurt. You prohibit its ten years of age to leave the district because of the street that lies beyond. You want your sixteen years of the home at a certain time of night because of the dangers.

Despite its protestations to the contrary, do not set limits because we are ogres and do not want our children to have fun. Simply, we are trying to protect them. That's what parents are loving.

Here are three things to keep in mind when setting limits for their children:

1. Create borders. This sounds like a non-simple, but there are many parents who never officially set limits. Then, when your child does something that their parents do not agree, the child gets into trouble, but is left scratching his head, wondering what he did wrong. Children need specific. Not only, "Be home at dusk," but "home by ten."

It may be necessary to make a list of their specific families of the borders and put it in a prominent place for your child can refer to it, if necessary, or at least to serve as a reminder if it "forgets" standards.

2. Lay out the consequences. As important as fixing the limits is to explain what will be the consequences for crossing. If children do not know beforehand what will happen if they ignore the boundaries, it is more likely that it will review and take a chance that the result will not be as bad.

And then, if and when they do those who cross the borders, he was not stopped stressing the matter. You will know exactly what to do.

3. The limits are intended to expand. As your child grows, borders too. Probably the child is confined to follow her yard, but his seven-year-old can afford his bike ride home by three lengths from the street. Ten years old may be free to travel on his bike around the block, and it is possible that your well-twelve years of age, why walk to a friend's house, several blocks away. Take his age, and each child into consideration individual responsibility, coupled with its history of staying within the boundaries.

Research shows that although throw tantrums and fits with regard to the limits that I do not believe are fair, children who are not given the guidelines and restrictions while growing up are more likely to have behavior problems. Children simply are not wired to handle the responsibility that comes with freedom.

God loves us and sets many of the guidelines and restrictions in His Word. Staying within the boundaries that God has established for us provides a wonderful example to our children. Furthermore, constantly setting limits and sticking to them will ensure that our children will one day realize that we are not trying to keep anything from them but in fact there is something to them. We are giving them the love and security that are required when finally in a position to spread their wings and fly into the world on their own.

10 Simple Ways To Teach Children How To Brush Their Teeth

Brush TeethThe children love to have fun and learn new ways of doing things everyday. One is, for example, brushing their teeth. They tend to copy their parents as close as possible to do well. This article will show you some simple ways to make brushing teeth fun and exciting for children.

1) Brush teeth as much as possible with his son.

Standing next to her son in front of the bathroom mirror and brush together. It's really a good time together. Your child may imitate his technique of brushing. Not only the child brush better, but also have the confidence to know you as a parent, as doing the same thing. They know they are doing correctly.

2) Buy cute toothbrushes your child.

There are a lot of great looking children toothbrushes available at many stores. Make sure to choose a toothbrush that is small enough for your child to hold comfortably. It should have a small, rounded head and very soft bristles. You probably have to replace your toothbrush every three to four months. For babies, a toothbrush soft finger will be easy for you to use. Please keep your toothbrush between very clean brushes.

3) Brush before bedtime each night in a regular routine.

Be sure to buy toothpaste that is sure to swallow. Practice brushing teeth before going to bed every night with your child and make it fun for them. It will be recalled that and do this automatically when you are not around.

4) Secure Shopping tasty toothpaste.

For younger children under 3, it is better to choose toothpaste that is made specially for them. Make sure it is safe to swallow and not abrasive. This will cause tooth and gum care easier and more fun. The most popular flavor of children today is to use chewing gum. Some suggestions are strawberry, cherry and even chocolate.

5) Have your children when you open brushing.

How to help your child to brush, they have opened a broad and cleans teeth in the back of his mouth. It is essential to get this area because, if it is dirty, your breathing will suffer.

6) while brushing teeth Conde.

As children tell their teeth, it makes them feel much safer. They must learn to count better, as well as having a fun time for cleaning teeth.

7) Include toys while brushing over entertainment.

Note that the main objective is to them to have fun while cleaning teeth. The more fun they have, brushing more they want to do. This result, ultimately, the gums and teeth healthy. You can bring in stuffed animals and action figures to play with them.

8) Make a poster brushing.

Whenever your child finds a good brushing, as they can choose a sticker and put it on the poster. You can also have your child color objects to remind them of the work they have done.

9) Tell a funny story brushing.

Children love to hear stories interesting and fun on several occasions. Try to make a special story to tell only during the time of brushing. Try to be short and selective teeth.

10) Create a brushing fun song.

Make a silly song to sing every time you brush. You can incorporate older songs like McDonald, or itsy bitsy spider. The song is the easiest, best I can recall, and the better they will brush. Keep it short and sweet.

There are many other ways you can teach the children to brush their teeth. The ones listed here have been used by many parents who have been successful in teaching their children to brush properly. Good luck and happy brushing.


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