What is the best way to handle difficult behavior in children? What is the best method of child discipline? What are the most successful ideas and parenthood. The opinions are endless. The expert advice is enormous. The proof is scarce. Many sources for advice and parenthood are on the basis of opinions, values and observations of men, a lot of their time in office. While we agree with most of these professionals, they probably have no idea what your life is really like. Most of these authors have not spent one day meet the challenges that we, as mothers, face day after day after day. I have no intention to discredit these people and their many good ideas and parenthood. I want you to consider how you from the huge stocks of parenting advice that the real expert!
Spanking is an emotional issue for the majority of mothers (and fathers), and we all have strong feelings about it. I will not debate the merits or the evils of Spanking here because these arguments are generally not productive. In my experience, but each mother, I have ever met, hates versohlt their children. It is usually done only when a mother can think of no other way to solve the problem.
That is the reason for this discussion. I offer alternatives to powerful because they feel lousy mothers, and that's not good for you, or you children. It may be helpful to know that most of the research on child discipline indicates that occasional, slight extraordinary are not harmful, but also not helpful. Here is a list of some positive parenting ideas and alternatives to spanking, the professional and other mothers.
** Please note that what children want their parents especially, the attention, and they are working very hard to get it. Regardless behavior (positive or negative) your child receives the most attention (positive or negative) is the problem that you are likely to see again and again.
** Use A "Time Out" (effectively and consistently). Try these websites:
For instructions from the Center for Effective Parenting http://www.parenting-ed.org/html/html/timeout.htm
For instructions by CS Mott Children's Hospital http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/pa/pa_timeout1_hhg.htm
** Let natural consequences - The child dawdles in the morning, the child is too late to school. No rescue of the child to the natural consequences, such as writing an apology for the late notice.
** Impose logical consequences - The child makes the chaos, the child must be before it clean play, TV, etc. If your child is slow, or uncooperative in the morning, the introduction of an earlier bedtime.
The success of these techniques requires that we as a mother, remain strong, and it is the logical consequence - no rescue.
** You can incentives such as tokens or counterfeit money. The child is here token for the positive behavior and tokens for negatively charged behavior. The tokens or counterfeit money can be used to buy additional privileges, around the house.
** Yucky behavior, yucky job. What is a job that you and your children hate, hate? This can be seen as a consequence for the rudeness and unacceptable or words.
** No sweets in a dirty mouth. Use this as a consequence of rude or unkind words, no dessert, cookies, etc. for a day.
** If your child is irritable or in a bad mood, perhaps no discipline is in order. Sometimes just listen and give your child the opportunity to express his feelings, is all that is needed.
Maybe you want to be one of those books for the parents of ideas to see if it fits with your special "Mother-style".
** Parenting with love and logic, W. Foster Cline and Jim Fay
** Without discipline volume or Spanking, by Jerry Wyckoff and Barbara C. Unell
** 1-2-3 Magic, by Thomas W. Phelan
** Children: The challenge of Rudolph Dreikurs. Written in the 1960's, it's classic, seen by many as one of the best parenting books available. Some of his ideas are likely outdated, but it is strongly recommended by most people who have read it.
Remember, you know your child and your family better than anyone else does. They know what kind of environment the best care for children.
I was able to support my children and they are doing bettering school. positive parenting
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